jeudi 30 décembre 2010

New Year Resolutions


  1.  Be a good planner and the trip to Paris will be a success! My family and I will have a wonderful time there!
  2. Become an expert in all things French! :D
  3. Develop a British accent when speaking English and develop a French accent when speaking French and be fluent in both languages! :)
  4. Gain more knowledge
  5. Get top 2 in class! XD
  6. Become a better person
  7. Become closer to all of my friends
  8. Become a good friend who's always there 
  9. Not make enemies...
  10. Become awesome ;D
  11. Become more handsome XDDDD hahaha
  12. Become taller
  13. Have less pimples ~
  14. Have a LOT of money ^.^
  15.  Not take siestas in the afternoon? lol, ok that's impossible ~
  16. Experience something different...maybe bungee jumping? XD
  17. Swim faster! 
  18. Spend less time in Facebook 
  19. Have a wonderful year
  20. Have fond memories of next year!
  21. The most meaningful to me will be if ... vous devenez ma petite amie :)

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