jeudi 18 novembre 2010

Things To Do This Holidays (Nov-Dec)

  1. Help my grandma with the chores (Haizz)
  2. Go outings with my friends ( But I don't think anyone wants to go out with me...)
  3. Chat with my friends online ~ (Second best thing to do, if I can't go out with them)
  4. Consider whether to transfer or not...
  5.  Plan my next move in the war...
  6.  Plan my trip to Paris next year! ^^
  7.  Research about other places too (Rome, Amsterdam, Madrid etc.)
  8. Read about Ancient Empires and Mythology ~
  9.  Read all my new books! :D
  10. Watch movies and tv series (Fringe, HIMYM)
  11.  Plan a movie marathon at my house! XD
  12.  Discover something new ~ 
  13.  Going to Singapore :D (10 Dec- ??)
  14.  Fight with my bros (For fun! XD)
Well, that's all I can think of now...Stay tuned for more! (if I can find anything else to do) XD

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