mardi 16 novembre 2010

Top 10 Countries I Wanna Go And Why ~

     1) France coz it's my country! ^^


    2) Canada coz it's like US without the immiration problems and they speak french there! :D
    Lake Banff

    3)Belgium coz of the wonderful chocolate and I'm quite curious about their 3 different goverments there (French, Flemish and German)


    4) Switzerland coz of the snow at the Alps and they speak french there too! XD

    5) Italy coz I'm quite fascinated by the Ancient Rome architecture there as well as the  Italian Renaissance architecture ~


    6)Netherlands coz of it's my ancestor's homeland and I like the city of Amsterdam! =)

    Amsterdam Canals

    7) Spain coz it's the only football team that I supported that actually won something... and I wanna learn more about their culture especially their siesta! XD hahaha


    8) Germany coz it's my sis' favourite country and it's one of the best European countries ~ X)


    9) England coz my two favourite football teams (Arsenal and Chelsea) are there! And then, it also looks like an interesting place to go ~

    London Bridge

    10) Egypt! (haha, im sure that u're surprised) coz I wanna check out the Pyramids, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and also coz I wanna check out their bazaar/market to buy awesome souvenirs like the Eye Of Horus. ( but i don't want any original artifacts la, if that thing got spirits of the dead pharaoh DOOMED!) 

    Pyramids Of Giza

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